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UPPERCUT was founded in October 1997 by Olaf (dr.) and Daniela (voc.). Their former band "Square Waves" had just split up, but the two of them were convinced to go on making hard, handmade music. Nico, who had played in various Punk-, Thrash-, and Hardcorebands before, became their new guitar player. New songs were arranged quickly wich needed the support of a bass guitar.

During a huge booze-up the former "Crucifixion" bass-player Henrik agreed to join the band. He has been a full member of the line-up since then. After UPPERCUT had played a few successful local concerts, the four went to studio in order to record five songs. The demo-cassette which came into being is titled "first strike" and was sold in a large number.

The band played a lot of concerts then all over germany, with bands as there were among others: Crack Up, Dew-Scented, Spawn and so on. In September 2000 it was high time for UPPERCUT to record new material, so they entered the studio of Wasteland's guitar player Stephan Kern. The CD which emerged is called "Shroud Shifter" and the songs it contains are full of energy and brute force - simple and direct.

Since Henrik had to leave the band because of lacking time there was need for a new bass player. In May 2001 Jan W. filled the gap and two weeks later Uppercut presented their new line-up live in Dresden. Having a new member the band now prepares new material in order to continue the way they headed for with "Shroud Shifter"!

In October 2003 Ralf Winzer (ex-CURARE, ex-BONEDUST, REQUIEM) joins Uppercut on four Strings. The Band entered the Wasteland Studios again to record their full length Album "Reanimation Of Hate".

Guitarplayer Jan leaves the band in Summer 2006 due to creative differences.

January 2007: Former DESTRUCTION Guitarplayer Harry Wilkens joins UPPERCUT